This Read Me provides information about version 2.0.1 of Chronomenon and its accompanying documents.
About Chronomenon
Chronomenon is a software alarm clock and timer which can crow, speak, play QuickTime movies, and play audio CD's when its alarm goes off. You can have Chronomenon do any one of these things singly or in any combination.
Here are some details about Chronomenon 's above-noted features:
・ If Chronomenon is set up to crow, then, once the alarm goes off, a little rooster appears in a screen in Chronomenon 's clock face while the background of the screen flashes once with each crow. Chronomenon 's clock face is an object only a few inches (or centimeters) long and wide which can be positioned anywhere on the computer screen, or even made invisible.
・ If Chronomenon is set up to speak, Chronomenon will speak a short message when the alarm goes off. This message is also displayed in Chronomenon 's clock face. A default message is provided, but you can change it to say whatever you want. You can also use Chronomenon to select the voice to speak the message.
・ If QuickTime is installed on your computer, Chronomenon can play QuickTime movie files when the alarm goes off. Such files contain sound, MIDI, and visual data in any combination, and these filesムムor, rather, moviesムムcan be custom made by you with appropriate QuickTime-movie editing software. Chronomenon can convert non-QuickTime-movie sound files and standard MIDI files to QuickTime movies for you, so if you have non-QuickTime-movie sound or MIDI files that you want Chronomenon to use, you can open them up in Chronomenon as QuickTime movies. QuickTime-movie versions of such files will then be created for you and used by Chronomenon.
・ If your computer has CD driver software and an internal or external CD drive, Chronomenon can play audio CD's when the alarm goes off. This is a recently added feature, first added to version 2.0 of Chronomenon. You can have your CD's tracks played straight through, in an arrangement of your choosing, or in a random order determined by Chronomenon.
Here are some other features of Chronomenon :
・ Chronomenon runs in the background, so you can do anything else on the computer while Chronomenon minds the time and the alarm.
・ Chronomenon always displays the current time, so Chronomenon can be used as just a clock. Whenever the alarm is set, though, Chronomenon also shows the hours, minutes, and seconds left untilムムas well as the date on whichムムthe alarm will go off.
・ You can change the color of Chronomenon 's time display and messages.
・ Chronomenon 's alarm can be configured to set itself each day to go off automatically at a certain time of your choosing. This is a recently added feature, first added to version 2.0 of Chronomenon.
・ Chronomenon saves the way you set it up, so that each time Chronomenon runs, you have things configured just the way you want them. For instance, if you set Chronomenon up to play a QuickTime movie, it will be set up to play that movie each time it is launched until you change the movie or close it for good.
・ Like any application, Chronomenon can be turned into a startup item. If you want to use Chronomenon regularly, consider turning it into one, by making an alias of it and putting the alias in the computer's Startup Items folder, so that Chronomenon will be launched each time the computer starts up.
・ Chronomenon makes a great wristwatch. Strap it on! (Just kidding.)
Chronomenon has been tested a lot, and I believe it should work as indicated in this document, in Chronomenon 's information guide, and in the accompanying document titled Chronomenon and QuickTime. However, if Chronomenon doesn't do what it should, let me know. I'll try to fix any problems. Suggestions are welcome too. See the section of this document towards the bottom titled "Addresses" to find out where to send me two different kinds of mail.
The Things That Should Accompany the Application Chronomenon
Upon receipt, everything that comes with the application Chronomenon should be in a folder titled Chronomenon 2.0.1 Folder, and so should the application itself. These are the three things that are supposed to be in the folder:
1) the application Chronomenon, version 2.0.1,
2) a document titled ChronomenonムムRead Me First (you are now reading this), and
3) a document titled Chronomenon and QuickTime.
What You Need in Order to Use Chronomenon
To use Chronomenon, you will need a Macintosh computer running System 7 or greater, Sound Manager 3.0 or greater, and about 1,600 kilobytes of memory free for running applications. If you have PlainTalk speech-synthesis software from Apple installed, Chronomenon can speak messages when its alarm goes off. If QuickTime is installed, Chronomenon can play QuickTime movies. If you have version 5.1 or greater of the Apple CD-ROM CD driver software installed, and your computer has at least one CD drive, Chronomenon can play audio CD's.
What You Should Know in Order to Use Chronomenon
You should know how to use the Macintosh computer.
What to Do After Reading This Document
Read the document titled Chronomenon and QuickTime, which is located in the folder titled Chronomenon 2.0.1 Folder, the same folder where this Read Me document is located. Chronomenon and QuickTime explains a few details about QuickTime and using QuickTime movies in Chronomenon. Then read Chronomenon 's on-line guide to find out everything else you need to know about Chronomenon. To access this guide, launch Chronomenon and then choose the menu item Information on Chronomenon from the Help (?) menu. Then you should be all set to use Chronomenon.
A payment is asked of each user of Chronomenon. The requested fee is one dollar. Your payment can be sent to the postal address listed in the "Addresses" section below. If you send a check or money order, make it payable to "George Parashis." When you make your payment, please include your e-mail address so that you can receive a short thank-you note to serve as a receipt. Included on the note will be a little joke, suitable for telling the kids.
Postal mail: George Parashis
P. O. Box 24491
San Jose, CA 95154-4491
Web Site
Version 2.0.1 of Chronomenon is licensed to each user for free (though a voluntary payment is requested; see the "Payment" section above). This version of Chronomenon may be copied and distributed by you as long as it is unaltered, is distributed in a folder titled Chronomenon 2.0.1 Folder, and the folder also contains one unaltered copy of each document listed in the section of this document titled "The Things That Should Accompany the Application Chronomenon. " This folder may not contain anything else. Copies of Chronomenon version 2.0.1 may □not be transferred to anyone for a fee without prior written permission from the creator of Chronomenon, who owns and holds the rights to Chronomenon.
Wherever legally applicable, the user of Chronomenon bears complete responsibility for all consequences of its use.
This license is effective until it is terminated by George Parashis, creator of Chronomenon.
This Document Is Subject to Modification
At any time, information, the license, and offerings made in this document are subject to changes authorized by the creator of Chronomenon.
An attempt has been made to distinguish trademarks in this document by adopting the capitalization styles used by the owners of those trademarks.
Copyright Notice
ChronomenonムムRead Me First for Chronomenon, Version 2.0.1